February 23, 2022

LCFI Statement: Welcome the recognition and defence of Donetsk and Lugansk!

The Liaison Committee of the Fourth International welcomes the recognition of the Independence of the Lugansk and Donetsk republics, within their original frontiers, by the Russian government of Vladimir Putin, following the vote in the Duma last week calling for such recognition. It appears that the Russian government is determined to defend these republics against attacks by the fascist-infested American neo-colonial regime in Kiev. Our tendency has been calling for such recognition since 2015: they should have been so recognised concurrently with Crimea, as the previous temporizing by Putin has emboldened the far-right coalition in Kiev to attack and partially roll back these republics, reducing their territories and subjecting much of the Russian-speaking population in the broader region of East Ukraine to terrorization by the fascist-dominated Ukrainian neocolony.

February 21, 2022

Appeal to all the working people, workers’ movements, the communist movement, and all progressive humankind!

We, a group of comrades from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, and Russia, appeal to you: we must prevent the war! No to the war that the Western imperialists are planning to unleash by playing off Russia and Ukraine against each other!

This fratricidal war is beneficial only to the tycoons of financial capital. In the contemporary world, capitalist predators understand that any war between nuclear powers is unpredictable in terms of consequences and presents a real threat of humankind’s destruction, using the piles of lethal weapons that have been accumulated over the years. Therefore, bloodsucking imperialists benefit from local conflicts in which an openly chauvinistic, terrorist dictatorship of financial capital itself, that is, fascism, can be used.

Greece: Brief overview of the situation in 2022

M. Santaskidis, Communist Revolutionary Action – Greece

the Greek president standing in front
of a border wall, signifying at the highest
level the anti-migrant policy of the state
Greece, with its current neo-liberal government voted upon a racist, anti-immigration, rhetoric and fear mongering is in a peculiar spot, where after a decade of austerity and turmoil, similar policies and practices by the state, are not being challenged. New anti-labour legislation, the normalization of a work environment with low wages and high working hours, new types of employment –detrimental to the workers-, the rise of rent and prices in general, are the new living conditions in which, the people are forced to struggle for survival.

February 12, 2022

US Politics: Imperialist Decline and Fascist Threats

Consistent Democrats - UK

Trump’s mob storms Washington Capitol to stop Trump’s
election defeat being certified, Jan 6 2021.

After nearly a year of Joe Biden’s presidency, politics in the United States appears to be heading towards another confrontation involving two different layers of the masses, mobilised behind two bourgeois-imperialist factions. Current incumbent President Joe Biden heads the modern-day ‘liberal’ party of US imperialism, the Democrats. Their opponents being the Republicans led by Trump, who lost the November 2020 Presidential Election by over 7 million votes. In a strange sense, both parties have become variations of cross-class blocs. The baleful influence of the two blocs is causing a political paralysis of the working class which is creating a danger of confrontation along racialised lines, and indeed threatening to bring to power a fascist-like regime in open negation of the traditionally illusory American capitalist ‘democracy’.

February 05, 2022

Draft LCFI Programme

Trotskyism Balance Sheet and LCFI Programme Foundations for a Communist and Revolutionary Programme in the 21st Century

The following programme was drafted by a commission of LCFI comrades from Argentina, Brazil and Britain. It has not yet been adopted by the LCFI, but we are planning an international meeting soon to discuss, amend, and adopt it. We intend this to be a fully comprehensive international revolutionary programme and around 18 months of concrentrated work has gone into it so far. It is a genuine international collaboration and we hope it will play an important role in rearming the revolutionary movement internationally for the struggles to come in this century, which will undoubtedly decide the fate of human civilisation and likely humanity itself.

February 04, 2022

Argentina: Alberto con FMI, Cristina contra

Acuerdo de Alberto Fernández con el FMI provoca crisis política en el Frente de Todos

Publicamos a continuación el análisis de nuestra corriente hermana argentina TMB sobre la crisis del gobierno del FDT (El llamado Frente de Todos), debido a las negociaciones entre el presidente Alberto Fernández y el FMI, criticadas aquí por nosotros. Es interesante señalar que en Argentina se da un fenómeno simétricamente inverso al de Honduras, aun teniendo en cuenta todas las diferencias entre ambas coyunturas y entre las naciones. En Honduras, hubo una rebelión parlamentaria proimperialista de una fracción de parlamentarios del partido Libre contra la recién electa presidenta de Libre, Xiomara Castro (ver aquí). Los rebeldes se aliaron con la oposición de derecha, el partido del expresidente JOH, contra la presidente para intentar imponer al entonces líder parlamentario de Libre como mandatario del congreso. Fueron expulsados de Libre. En Argentina, la rebelión tiene un signo de izquierda. La fracción kirchnerista del partido Frente de Todos del presidente Alberto Fernández se rebeló contra el acuerdo con el FMI y el acercamiento de Argentina a EE.UU., un movimiento de Fernández que cuenta con las simpatías de legisladores opositores de derecha vinculados al expresidente Macri.

February 03, 2022


La socialdemocracia posmodernizada prepara nuevas derrotas para los trabajadores

Christian Romerno

El voto a Gabriel Boric representó una tendencia progresista de los trabajadores de Chile a oponerse al avance del neofascismo. Sin embargo, la coalición socialdemócrata posmoderna de Boric (una especie de PSOL brasileño, o Syriza griega), representa una continuación, en la instancia económica, del neoliberalismo chileno, inaugurado en el mundo por la dictadura del general Pinochet.