January 20, 2017


The Election of Trump: An Existential Threat to the Organised Working Class in the USA and Globally

SWL panphlet

As a working class, we must unite all oppressed to oppose the imperialist ruling class at home and its imperialist maneuvers around the world!

More than ever it is necessary to unify our class, women, whites, blacks, Muslims, Indians, Asians, Latinos, LGBTQ and immigrants against the rising police state. Donald Trump is an oafish, far-right racist, Islamophobic, sexist, misogynist homophobic, ablest bigot who rose to power with the support of a far-right constituency that includes white supremacists and fascist groups such as Ku Klux Klan. His victory has greatly strengthened these groups’ ideology as it has also happened in Britain after the Brexit, in Europe and internationally.

January 12, 2017


The Liberation of Aleppo and the Tasks of Anti-imperialist Revolutionary Socialists

Socialist Fight – Britain
Workers Socialist League – USA
Tendência Militante Bolchevique – Argentina
Communist Revolutionary Action – Greece
Frente Comunista dos Trabalhadores – Brazil
CEDS – Centro de Estudos e Debates Socialistas – Brazil
Ady Mutero, Revolutionary Internationalist League – Zimbabwe
Mohammad Basir Ul Haq Sinha, President, Inter Press Network, Dhaka – Bangladesh
Akhar Bandyopadhyay, Bhagat Singh’s Socialist – India
Frank Fitzmaurice, Liverpool – Britain