November 12, 2021


Defence of Cuba Against 15 November US/Gusano ‘Colour Revolution’ Attempt
Statement International

U.S. imperialism – within which the gusano bourgeoisie is an organic component – as part of its criminal campaign against the workers’ state is promoting a right-wing mobilization this November 15 in Cuba, which it hopes will lead to the overthrow of economic planning and the full scale restoration of capitalism.
US officials have issued a series of statements in support of the upcoming demonstrations.

“The US shares the vision of the Cuban people: democracy, prosperity, and human rights. We support their right to peacefully assemble on November 15 and call on the Cuban government to allow freedom of expression and listen to the people. Their voices cannot be silenced,” wrote Brian A. Nichols, Assistant Secretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs. (

Obviously, the “freedom” to which the imperialist officials refer is the freedom of international capital to exploit the workers of Cuba, and by the Cuban “people” then mean the counterrevolutionary elements that participate in the right-wing mobilizations. “Human rights” in the mouth of the main promoter of genocidal dictatorships on the continent – US imperialism – does not go beyond the right to exploit the authentic people of Cuba.

The undersigned working class organisations and individuals harshly condemn the anti-workers’ state mobilization prepared for this November 15. In that sense, we criticize the liberalizing policy of the Cuban regime for tolerating the campaign of the agents of reaction. Any movement that does not have as its guiding star the defense of the workers’ state will be used as part of the counterrevolutionary campaign of imperialism itself.

List of Endorsers:


Bolshevik Group – East Asia

Class Conscious – Australia (

Communist Revolutionary Action (KED or Κομμουνιστική Επαναστατική Δράση – Greece)

Forum de Paulista, entidade composta por 13 Movimentos sociais, sindicatos e organizações populares da cidade de paulista/PE (Brazil)

Liaison Committee for the Fourth International

Including four LCFI Sections:

Consistent Democrats (Great Britain)

Frente Comunista dos Trabalhadores (Brazil)

Socialist Workers League (USA)

Tendencia Militante Bolchevique (Argentina)

Partido da Causa Operária (Brazil)

Polo sindical dos assalariados agrícolas do vale do São Francisco petrolina/PE e Juazeiro/BA. (Brazil)

Socialist Workers Party of Bangladesh



Leon Carlos, Tendencia Militante Bolchevique


Mohammad Basirul Haq Sinha, Presidente, Inter Press Network, Dhaka


Adelmiro Santos, movimento de luta pelo teto, MLT

André Constantino, Movimento Nacional das Favelas e Periferias

Carlos Magno Lucena Martins, Partido dos Trabalhadores, Carapicuíba, São Paulo

Cleide Andrade, presidente PSOL Paulista/PE

David Rodrigo, operário da construção civil, Fórum Unitário Sindical e Popular de Paulista/PE, FUSP, jornal Folha do Trabalhador

Elias Andrade, funcionário público federal, Movimento Compromisso e Luta, Movluta

Érico Cardoso, historiador, jornal Folha do Trabalhador

Fábio Sobral, professor universitário, Canal a Comuna

Francisco Castro, economista e professor aposentado da UFRPE, ex-frade dominicano e membro da ALN

Francisco Gonçalves, funcionário público federal, Movluta

Frederico Costa, professor universitário, coordenador do Instituto de Estudos e Pesquisas do Movimento Operário, IMO

Joana Boaventura, professora da rede pública estadual, Rio Grande do Sul, Canal Emancipação do Trabalho

José de Lima Soares, professor universitário

José Odahi Magalhães, liderança popular, Organizações Populares, OPA

Juarez Marcolino Vieira, Sindicato doa Condutores Autônomos em Transportes Alternativos de Passageiros do Estado de Pernambuco- SINDALTERNATIVOS/PE.

Levi Sotto, operário da construção civil, jornal Folha do Trabalhador

Lino Alves de Almeida, engenheiro, PCO

Luciano Filgueiras, funcionário público federal, Movluta

Marcio Rodrigues, jornalista, Emancipação do Trabalho

Marcos Silva, engenheiro, filiado ao Sindicato dos engenheiros do Rio de Janeiro

Maurício Oliveira, professor da rede pública estadual – Ceará, Canal Emancipação do Trabalho

Neimar de Oliveira Lima, Secretário geral do Partido Comunista do Povo Brasileiro

Nelson Vilela, Canal A Comuna

Pedro Barbosa, professor universitário

Thales Emanuel, Organizações Populares, OPA

Valdir Félix, Frente Nacional de Luta, FNL

Valmir Braga, funcionário público federal, Movimento Compromisso e Luta, Movluta

Great Britain

John Bernard

Mark Andresen, Torquay

Evangelos Adamapoulos, London

Jonathan Cooper, London

Nigel Singh, Oxford

Anna Brogan, London

Jim Greenhow, Scotland

Jon De Rennes

Kevin O’Connor, London

Richard Bridge, Kent

Tony Unwin, Kent

Rachel Rodwell, Kent

Mark Copestake, Birmingham

Mathew Dale, Rochester

Susan Dale, Rochester

Paul Steele, Minster-on-Sea

Helen Martins, Minster-On-Sea

Graham Smith, Eastchurch

Tokumbo Oke, Croydon

Jayne Elliot, Glasgow

Mike Bell, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne

David Cannon, London

Bob Dennis, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne


Curtis Titus Garmonga Davis


Şafak Can, revolutionary Trotskyist worker, Istanbul
United States

Max Irwin, New York

Alex Jordan Dillard, California

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