April 30, 2018

USA, The Lowest Rate of Productivity since WWII

More precarious work, less productivity, more misery, more barbarism

The USA counter-offensive managed to advance the world and established a national truce between the two wings of imperialism (Democrats and Republicans, with all their contradictions and fractions, from Bernie Sanders to the Tea Party).

April 25, 2018


In defense of Nicaragua, against the USA and its coup agents

Statement International

Workers Socialist League – USA
Frente Comunista dos Trabalhadores – Brazil
Socialist Fight – Britain
Tendência Militante Bolchevique – Argentina
Communist Revolutionary Action – Greece

A new focus of tension emerges from the current cold war, a new operation “regime change” is underway, the US now support a campaign to overthrow the Nicaraguan government. Since April 18, armed right-wing paramilitary groups have carried out a wave of violent attacks against public institutions, leftist demonstrators and police, to create chaos and promote civil war in the country. 10 people were killed and more than 80 were injured, including at least 30 policemen. Most of the deaths resulted from the lethal use of firearms by right-wing provocateurs.


 The Big Bang Never Happened

Eric J Lerner

In 1991, my book, the Big Bang Never Happened (Vintage), presented evidence that the Big Bang theory was contradicted by observations and that another approach, plasma cosmology, which hypothesized a universe without beginning or end, far better explained what we know of the cosmos. The book set off a considerable debate. Since then, observations have only further confirmed these conclusions, although the Big Bang remains by far the most widely accepted theory of cosmology.

This website provides an update on the evidence and the debate over the Big Bang, including the latest technical review and a reply to a widely- circulated criticism as well as a technical reading list, a report on a recent workshop and links to other relevant sites, including one that described my own work on fusion power, which is closely linked to my work in cosmology.

Hawking is wrong on the the Big Bang

The Poverty of Philosophy; why Stephen Hawking is wrong on the Big Bang

Gerry Downing

The death of Stephen Hawking on 14 March involved this author in four separate Facebook debates. Many comments were simply ignorant attacks on me for having the gall to attack the conclusions of the great scientist, some sneering bigots who were open renegades from Trotskyism, former comrades who wanted to ingratiate themselves with the capitalist establishment vis Labour reformism to enhance future career prospects by attacking revolutionary Trotskyism.